NYYRC NEWS and EVENTS 3/21/2005
Our guest speaker will be Dr. Herb London, President of the Hudson Institute and former candidate for NYC Mayor, NYS Comptroller and NYS Governor. Dr London, who recently stepped down from the John M. Olin chair at NYU, was in one of the closest state-wide races in NY history in 1994 when, running for State Comptroller, he lost the election by a mere 1%.
Time: 7:30pm - 9:30pmPlace: Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmens Club
283 Lexington Ave (bet 36th & 37th St), 2nd Floor
Admission: Members - FREE, Non Members - $5, F/T Students - $2.
Please join us for drinks after every meeting in the backroom at Saga, on Lex and 39th.
Schedule of Upcoming Speakers:
May 12, 2005 - TBA
This Week on "The CORE Hour"
Joining us this week will be Ms. June Arunga, activist, law student, and director of youth education at the Inter Region Economic Network, a think tank in Nairobi, Kenya. Ms. Arunga will discuss the pro-choice approach to public policy issues in Africa and talk about "The Devil's Footpath", a BBC documentary she produced regarding economic development, political turmoil, and human rights in Africa. Please select the following to learn more.
[BBC, A World Connected, Atlas USA]
3-4PM EST - RightTalk.com
Call-in Line: 1-866-884-TALK (8255)