NYYRC NEWS and EVENTS 1/17/2005
Ronald Reagan Birthday Celebration and Awards Reception - February 3, 2005
Madison Avenue (between 27th & 28th streets)
7:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Cocktail or Business Attire Requested
Honorees Include: Joe Scarborough, Former Congressman and MSNBC TV Host
Master of Ceremonies: Robert George, NY Post
Please join us for this very special event as we honor one of America's greatest Presidents and those who have achieved great success in Reaganesque style and who continue to advance his principles.
Early Registration by January 21:
Members - $85
Non-Members - $110
Ticket + Membership - $120
Event Co-Chair - $200
Early registration must be paid online by credit card or postmarked by January 22.
For transactions dated after January 22 prices are: Members - $100, Non-Members - $125, Ticket + Membership - $135.
To pay by credit card on our secure server, please click here.
To pay by check, make payable to NY Young Republican Club and mail to:
NY Young Republican Club
244 Madison Ave, #426
New York, NY 10016
For more information, please email RobertH@nycyr.org or call 718-358-2848.
NYYRC General Meeting - February 10, 2005
Our guest speaker will be Henry Stern, the former Commissioner of Parks under Mayor Giuliani. Mr Stern is the founder of NY Civic, one of the leading non-partisan good government groups focusing on issues that affect NYC and NYS. His daily writings on the NYCivic.com website are often reprinted on the opinion pages of the major NY newspapers.
Mr. Stern will talk about the future of NYC in the face of the coming mayoral election, the CFE school decision, the problems currently facing Albany, and future budget shortfalls.
In order to speed the check-in process, please rsvp in advance to info@nycyr.org with "RSVP HENRY STERN" in the subject. Please include your FULL name and contact info.
Time: 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Place: Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmens Club
283 Lexington Ave (bet 36th & 37th St), 2nd Floor
Admission: Members - FREE, Non Members - $5, F/T Students - $2.
Please join us for drinks after every meeting in the backroom at Saga, on Lex and 39th.
Schedule of Upcoming Speakers:
March 10, 2005 - TBA
Politics 101
Speaker Newt's New Book
This is from our good friends at Speaker Gingrich's office. Please read and support the "Leader of the Revolution."
You can purchase your copy now from Amazon: Winning The Future: A 21st Century Contract with America
Hillary for President
Not ready to hear those words yet? Well, some people with a good sense of humor are already preparing for it.
We have a NY Times best-selling author in our midst. Mark Smith's new book, The Official Handbook of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, is officially a Times best seller as well as a best seller on Amazon. I know that all the erudite, pompous, pseudo-intellectual, Times-touting lefties are biting hard into their bagels as they read this in their beloved paper on Sunday.
According to Ann Coulter, "Mark Smith is one of the fastest rising legal stars in the country." You can purchase your copy now from Amazon: The Official Handbook of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy

You've seen it in all the newspapers. Now get the T-Shirt from a NY Young Republican who loves George W. Bush. This is a very hip way to express your support for our commander-in-chief. Who says you can't irritate liberals and look good at the same time!!